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File this under "Things I Wish Someone Had Told Me Much Earlier"
Published on June 15, 2004 By Emoticon Man In Beginners
Looking for an easier way to access your drives on a computer running Windows 2000? The link provided here has a tip just might be the perfect solution for you...
on Jun 30, 2004
I honestly haven't made any use of this yet but I know that if I leave it on my start menu it will work it's way into my tasks, I'm one of those guys that once he finds a good tool to get the job done, it's hard to take it away from him, and not to mention I'm very much a minimalist in the office. My CEO actually requires that we save very little to the desktop anyways, which isn't a bad policy on the whole. I will see how this works out and hopefully it will be for the better. Thx for the interesting tip.