My Mission Statement: 1) To inform 2) To entertain 3) To spread as much as joy, love, and peace while causing as little hurt and hate as I can. 4) To have fun and help others have fun.
Emoticon Man's Articles
June 15, 2004 by Emoticon Man
What is Leopold? Think of it as chess, except you get to choose your own pieces (and some of these pieces can create their own pieces as well). Oh, and it's online and it's absitively, posolutely free (and if it had any spyware or adware, you can believe I wouldn't be promoting it). Unfortunately, one of the major drawbacks of the game is that it seems to have a rather smallish pool of players at the moment, which makes finding opponents difficult at times. But don't let that stop you fro...
June 15, 2004 by Emoticon Man
At approximately 9 PM PST on June 15, 2004, a mysterious individual, known variously as Emoticon Man or Earthbound Misfit, deviously created a weblog at Such a hideous affront to the natural order should not be left to go unchallenged. Should you risk venturing into such a site, prepare yourselves, lest you should be shocked and appalled by the rantings of this deranged lunatic. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED! Beware, bewaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaare....
June 15, 2004 by Emoticon Man
At approximately 9 PM PST on June 15, 2004, a mysterious individual, known variously as Emoticon Man or Earthbound Misfit, deviously created a weblog at Such a hideous affront to the natural order should not be left to go unchallenged. Should you risk venturing into such a site, prepare yourselves, lest you should be shocked and appalled by the rantings of this deranged lunatic. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED! Beware, bewaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaare....