At approximately 9 PM PST on June 15, 2004, a mysterious individual, known variously as Emoticon Man or Earthbound Misfit, deviously created a weblog at Such a hideous affront to the natural order should not be left to go unchallenged. Should you risk venturing into such a site, prepare yourselves, lest you should be shocked and appalled by the rantings of this deranged lunatic. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED! Beware, bewaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaare....
At approximately 9 PM PST on June 15, 2004, a mysterious individual, known variously as Emoticon Man or Earthbound Misfit, deviously created a weblog at Such a hideous affront to the natural order should not be left to go unchallenged. Should you risk venturing into such a site, prepare yourselves, lest you should be shocked and appalled by the rantings of this deranged lunatic. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED! Beware, bewaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaare....